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CutOff Genes Podcast

Aug 25, 2019

- Sometimes you solve stranger's mysteries to solve your own

- Who is buried in John Dillinger's grave?

- Why is it legal to deny people of their identity?

- Story time with "MPE" Patty Bevere


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Aug 18, 2019

- @joolsjackson demands the Ancestry messaging update

- From the trenches- what happens when they delete their DNA?

- The "Hicks Babies"

- Part 2 of story time with Caroline Hodges


Remember to subscribe, rate and review!

Aug 11, 2019

- An update about the Federal Census

- Bovine Genetic Genealogy

- Reaching out to DNA matches- an ADOPTEE'S guide

- Storytime with Caroline Hodges


Please subscribe, rate and review!

Aug 4, 2019

- @joolsjackson explains why vacuum cleaners suck up her sadness

- A couple sues a fertility clinic in horrific mixup

- Things you never knew about the U.S. Census

- Part 2 of Jill B Gounder's Story Time


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