Feb 24, 2020
- Will Y DNA testing tell you your surname?
- Tree Building Hints
- Applying the "Leeds Method" to your Ancestry DNA matches
- How to find your floating branches
-Part 2 of Story time with Lesley Mitchell
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Feb 17, 2020
- Advances in artifact testing
- Surprise family members don't want money
- Bee Gees love child
- Outdated genealogy standards
-Story Time with Lesley Mitchell
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Feb 10, 2020
- Update on Belgian Royalty DNA case
- Does searching for people of FB reveal you to them?
- Another long overdue exoneration
- Part 2 of Story Time with Carol J Laufer Covarrubias
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Feb 3, 2020
- Shoutout to our new "Patrons"
- A slowdown in Consumer DNA testing- why?
- Searchable database that identifies emancipated slaves
- Storytime with Carol J Laufer Covarrubias
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